Various ways I might be able to help your church

The Moved By Glory Assessment

If we avoid pragmatism by unifying purpose and practice, then the first step towards that unity should be a careful evaluation of where you’re at. The "Moved By Glory Assessment" is meant to be a comprehensive process to take a detailed, honest look at the worship ministry of a local church and consider where it can grow and mature. The process starts with a conversation between church leadership (worship leaders and/or other pastors) to dial in the process for their specific needs. The next step is a survey to gather feedback from representative cross-section of general church folk. Then, I would join you for a Sunday, observe as much as possible, and take lots of notes. After gathering all of this information, I would create a detailed report evaluating your church on a series of practical values and offering clear recommendations for how you can more deeply embody the purpose of gathered worship. I would present this report to you, give time to review and then have a final meeting to talk through the report and next steps. 

From there I could potentially help in a number of other ways.

Quick note: I prefer to not preach or lead worship the Sunday I join a church for assessment as I want to devote myself to observation. My ability to observe would be severely limited if I were to preach or lead worship at the same time. 

Teaching & Training

I can offer teaching and training to groups of all sizes on both the biblical theology and practice of worship. This could be in conjunction with an assessment process, as a follow up to assessment, or a stand alone event. These kind of events could be with your local church team or a regional gathering involving multiple churches. 


I can coach a key leader or group of leaders after assessment to help guide them and give feedback as they implement changes and plans. Over time there may be coaching cohorts to join. I'm not there yet but let me know if you're interested. 

Ad Hoc Consulting

This could include more issue or project based consulting as needed. This could be a check in after assessment, meeting with a leadership team to help make decisions, developing a custom profile for the kind of leader a church is looking for, or any other stand alone consulting need. 


Guest Preaching

I can preach a Sunday sermon on a wide variety of topics. I have a number of messages I have developed over the years related to biblical worship. I have also preached a lot from the Psalms which are the clearest example in the scriptures of what it looks like to worship God through all of life. I am also happy to be a guest preacher, provide pulpit supply, or fill in as an interim. If you want me to preach on something specific just ask and I'll give you an honest answer. 

Guest Worship Leading

I can lead worship for your church either by myself, working with a group of musicians from your church, or potentially bringing a group to back me up. This can be to simply lead worship or to work with a worship team/band in a hands on way after the assessment. 
